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New York/New Jersey 弓道

私たちは、2006年からアメリカのNew Jerseyで弓道の練習をしているグループです。日本で弓道を始めた人、アメリカに来てから弓道に興味を持った人など、バックグランドは様々です。このサイトは、グループのメンバーとのコミュニケーションのため、また、これから弓道を始めたい人への情報提供を目的としています。

New York/New Jersey Kyudo Kai

We started practicing Kyudo Club in New Jersey in 2006.  Our members vary in their Kyudo backgrounds.  We have members who  started practicing Kyudo in Japan as well as those who became interested in Kyudo here in the U.S.  We created the website to as a means of promoting Kyudo in the New York / New Jersey area.  This website and an email list are the primary means of communication among members.

Our Club Members

Fumiko Takada (5th dan, Renshi)
Krzysztof Sienkiewicz (5th dan)
Chikako Takahashi (4th dan)
Mutsumi Oishi (4th dan)
Lisa K. Saunders (4th dan)
Richard Arbas (3rd dan)
Hinako Orito (3rd dan)
Keith Ng (2nd dan)
Panoat Chuchaisri (2nd dan)
Yang Kim (2nd dan)
Ray Teetsel (2nd dan)
Ryan Su (2nd dan)
Jing Jin (2nd dan)
Lia Ding (2nd dan)
Albert Lash (1st dan)
Qianzi Li (1st dan)
Margaux Paras (1st dan)
Ailene Gevero (1st dan)
Brian James (1st dan)
Norman Appelbaum
Wen Shi
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